Skelian Chiropractic, Physiotherapy & Massage Therapy Cheltenham
Skelian Chiropractic, Physiotherapy & Massage Therapy Cheltenham
317 Google reviews
poppy gardner
poppy gardner
Fantastic treatment, can't recommend them enough. Tom helped with my various aches and joint pain from running and also gave me so much advice for my upcoming half marathon. The staff are all very friendly and helpful and very accommodating- helping to sort last minute appointments and change/alter when needed. I have seen a few different chiropractors at the clinic and they have all been very knowledgeable and explained everything so clearly. Tom particularly has been great and got me back out running pain-free.
Derek Spicer
Derek Spicer
Excellent treatment with Aaron, very thorough, and very informative regarding what the various movements and treatment were for, and considerate throughout, highly recommended.
Alison Lane
Alison Lane
I had one appointment with Jamie after suffering tremendous pain and he totally relieved the pain, allowing me to carry on with my life as normally as possible with my ongoing back weakness. I would highly recommend him to anyone and would totally trust him to help me again in the future.
Tom has been great right from the start. From listening to me and everything I had to tell him in our first meeting. Taking me and my previous (less good) experience with chiropractors into account and seriously considering why I was there. He helped me, that first time and has done for the number of sessions I've had since. He answers all my nerdy, analytical questions and adapts to me as I need him to. He's also not a snake oil salesman, talking himself out of the possibility of a job within the first month if I found I no longer needed him. None of this "oh, look, another problem I'll need to see you for" malarkey. Tom has been honest and so helpful every time. The reception staff at Skelian are lovely, the atmosphere is nice, and whilst not cheap I have never felt swindled. Only understood, because back pain is a universal suffering we can all sympathise with. Couldn't recommend them and Tom more. And I'll soon be in maintenance, somewhere I never thought I'd get to when all this started in February.
Sarali Thomai
Sarali Thomai
Treatment here took all of my back pain in some appointments. Tom was excellent professional and now I feel safe that whenever I have the same problem I have someone to rely on .
Maria Smith
Maria Smith
Will has transformed me. Such knowledge, compassion and expertise! definitely recommend!!
Bethany Norris
Bethany Norris
Jamie at Skelian has really helped with back injuries and always has helpful suggestions to keep my back at its best.
Lisa Kent
Lisa Kent
I have been seeing Jamie for the last couple of months, and absolutely can’t recommend him enough. I love his holistic approach and looking at the bigger picture to try and piece together the reasons why my neck and hips are so painful. I always feel anxious when having to go to someone different when it comes to my health, but Jamie is so kind, friendly and understanding of people and how they are feeling. We have had some great results so far with my treatment and feel we are making some headway with all my aches and pains. If you are feeling nervous and not sure what to expect, Jamie is the guy for you.
Imogen Williams
Imogen Williams
I recently had a sports massage with Brad, due to extended periods of computer use, I suffer with neck and shoulder tension. Brad was able to work out all the knots in my back and shoulders. I have definitively felt the benefits ever since.
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Plantar Fasciitis

A painful condition relating to foot pain around  the heel or sole of your foot. In this article we look at symptoms, causes and treatment options.

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar Fasciitis is one of the most common causes of foot pain. Pain is generally experienced on the underside of the foot around the heel. The pain in the foot comes from inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is a band of tissue that runs under the foot. The Plantar fascia runs from the heel and then fans out to attach to the underside of the toes. The band of tissue is there to support the arch of the foot and absorb stress when walking.

What are Plantar Fasciitis symptoms?

Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis include:

  • Sharp or stabbing pain in the foot
  • Pain first thing in the morning when getting out of bed
  • Pain gets better after the first few steps in the morning 
  • The pain can return after running or walking for long periods of time 
  • The pain can also be made worse by standing for a long time 
  • Getting up after sitting for a long time can also bring about the pain
  • Sometimes the pain is aggravated by different types of footwear

Causes of Plantar Fasciitis 

When on your feet and you are actively working the plantar fascia, you can cause small tears to occur in the tissue. Repeated stress through the plantar fascia can lead to irritation or inflammation in the tissues. Despite this, there are many other factors that can be adding to the problem. 

Some additional factors for causing plantar fasciitis:

  • The surface(s) that you stand, walk or run on
  • The type or style of shoes you wear
  • Exercise levels 
  • Carrying extra weight 
  • In some cases inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis

Diagnosing plantar fasciitis 

There are many ways to diagnose plantar fasciitis, the main important part of diagnosing the problem is identifying the key areas of the problem that differentiate it from other foot pain conditions such:

  • Arthritis of the foot
  • Nerve compression around the foot 
  • Referral pain from other areas of the body such as the spine 
  • Stress fracture of the bones in the foot 
  • Loss of fatty tissue under the heel
  • Bony growth at the base of the heel

Plantar fasciitis is mainly diagnosed from the history of your complaint as well as a physical examination by the chiropractor, physiotherapist or sports therapist.

At Skelian we also offer diagnostic ultrasounds to confirm the diagnosis by scanning the foot. These scans are performed by our experienced specialist physiotherapist. These scans will be able to show you a live image of your foot and where the problem is coming from or not.

Once you have been given a diagnosis of plantar fasciitis we have a variety of treatment options available at Skelian. 

Treatment of plantar fasciitis 

In most cases the longer a condition has been around the harder it is to treat. If you have been struggling with foot pain for longer than 2 weeks it is probably worth seeking help from one of our experienced chiropractors, physio or sports therapist. Alongside the length of time you have been suffering from foot pain, your work, life or exercise demands might also be contributing to the problem. The length of time you have had the foot pain and your lifestyle will determine the length of time you will need to be treated. Typically the longer you’ve had the pain the longer the course of treatment may last.

Types of treatment for plantar fasciitis 

Soft tissue release and stretching 

Generally speaking, stretching is one of the “go to” forms of treatment or home exercise for plantar fasciitis. The stretching exercises should be focused on the plantar fascia and Achilles tendon. Your chiropractor,physio or sports therapist will talk you through the home exercises needed to help progress your case. Alongside the stretching exercises, you will also be assessed for foot strength. If needed, you will be prescribed foot and ankle exercises to practice at home to help improve the function of the foot. 

Shockwave therapy 

Shockwave therapy is a fantastic and effective treatment for many cases of plantar fasciitis. The aim of shockwave therapy is to create micro trauma to the plantar fascia, which then stimulates a healing response by the body. Helping promote the healing of the plantar fascia tissues. At Skelian most of our practitioners are experienced at using the shockwave machine when treating plantar fasciitis. 

Steroid injections 

Steroid injections are in most cases a last resort when it comes to treating plantar fasciitis. If your symptoms are stubborn after trying several forms of treatment, then a steroid injection might be considered for your case. The aim of a steroid injection is to significantly reduce the inflammation in the problem area of the plantar fascia. These injections can only be performed a limited amount of times before the plantar fascia starts to experience a negative effect from the steroid injection. 

Our steroid injections at Skelian are performed under ultrasound for ultimate accuracy by our specialist physiotherapist.  

Modification of activities or lifestyle 

When trying to recover from plantar fasciitis, you may need to change what you are doing on a regular basis, especially if it is contributing to your problem.

These changes include:

  • Use a padded or well cushioned shoe or footwear 
  • Reduce the distance you are running or walking
  • Change to exercises that do not put pressure on the foot or heel such as swimming or cycling
  • Using tape to support the foot, ankle and surrounding muscles 
  • Wearing a medical boot at night to continue stretching the plantar fascia at night 
  • Reduce time spent on hard surfaces


Orthotics or supportive insoles put into your shoes or footwear might also help support the foot or help take pressure off of sensitive areas. 


Some patients find putting ice around the area of pain helpful for reducing symptoms or speeding up the recovery of plantar fasciitis. If the ice treatment is too cold, patients have tried putting their feet in a container of cold water. The aim of this is to encourage the reduction of inflammation in the foot/feet. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Our team

Sports Therapist Cheltenham

Dani Cowley

Sports Therapist

“My goal is to help all  my patients return to their preferred activity whilst maintaining a pain-free and healthy lifestyle. I always aim to go one step further by minimising the risk of future injury through rehabilitation plans and hands-on therapy.”

Bradley Mason


BSc Physiotherapy, MCSP, MHCPC, PH138341, OMT Spinal and Peripheral Manipulations

“I’m passionate about empowering individuals to achieve their full potential through caring tailored treatment and rehabilitation.”

Victoria Chiropractor Cheltenham

Victoria West

Senior Chiropractor 


“ Every patient’s health requirements are unique to them; my aim is to provide patients with care that is centred around their needs.”

Jonathan Wride

Specialist Physiotherapist

HCPC MCSP AACP PgC Injection Therapy, MSK Sonographer and Independent Prescriber:

“I’m passionate about giving patients instant access to high-level diagnostics and specialist treatments, helping to reduce the waiting times of patients and hopefully speeding up their recovery.”


Chiropractic Initial Consultation – £75 Book »
Chiropractic Follow up treatment – £48
Physiotherapy consultation – £75
Sports Therapy Consultation – £60
Follow up Sports therapy appointment – £35
Massage (1 hour) – £60


Opening Times

Monday8.30 – 7.00
Tuesday8.30 – 7.00
Wednesday8.30 – 7.00
Thursday8.30 – 7.00
Friday8.30 – 7.00
Saturday9:00 – 1:00

Book an Appointment

Why Choose Skelian?

  • Exceptionally high standards of care
  • Professionalism and Expertise
  • Quality treatment
  • Quality practitioners
  • Great communication of your treatment
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